Friday, October 21, 2016


Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar former Indian cricketer and captain, widely regarded as the greatest batsman of all time & considered as an God for Indian Cricket, the only cricketer in history who has scored over 100 Centuries (in all formats of Cricket). It's the man we know!!

But it all started & the person he became was too a great journey. He was also an youngest cricketer at an International level against Pakistan in 1989 when he was just 16 Years old!!!

Though he was unable to score any runs in his first 3 one-day matches but scored an important 37 runs against New Zealand in 1990 & played with class and made the world know "The entry of the Legend"

Watch below the precious those moments of him scoring his 1st runs in International Cricket & the purpose of sharing it is to encourage everyone to belief in "Yourself" of your Dreams, Visions, Goals and not be afraid of failures..

As Sachin, couldn't score any runs in his early matches & if he had lost hope ... We could have never seen the 'Legend' of what he has become NOW... :-)

CricketArena(a) Team :-)

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